Wednesday, October 7, 2009

To Tweet or Not To Tweet?

10. To share exciting wins and victories throughout the day
Katherinekiki: Finally I think I have the twins (the ones i tutor that i cant tell apart) figured out. Cassie has the mole. Alex has the lisp.

9. Its a way to lovingly call people out on sin
candrefields: In case you missed Driscoll on Nightline to katherinekiki this is for u (Andre aka Lynn Barry called out Kiki on her celebrity worship)

8. Where else can you stalk your pop culture dream idol from your own home? / Or profess your love for your celebrity crush?
katherinekiki to heidimontag im just waiting to see if you will show up in my timeline...again i love you

7. It is the way to share the gospel with celebrities.
emilyallison200 to heidimontag Not trying to be mean or anything, but your love for Jesus never appears on the Hills or anywhere else. Why?

6. You can share how your day was.
emilyallison200: awful night :( awful.

5. Pass on your wisdom to others.
jwinterbishop marriage is great and all but you only have one person to laugh with. We have five. what if the one person is not that funny

4. Share late breaking fashion tips
emilyallison200 painted my nails very cranberry!! I <3>

3. An appropriate venue for playful banter
katherinekiki So excited. I just now got picture messaging for my sweet iPhone. Beat that @lynnbarry627. What you gonna say now??

katherinekiki So jealous of @lynnbarry627's phone
katherinekiki Bull @lynnbarry627 I love my iPhone

@lowens773 so glad that when you grow up you're not gonna go all land's end...unlike @maybelle27

2. A way to communicate unspoken prayer requests
katherinekiki to AirWood I got a couple of unspokens you can pray for... Enjoy your dop
katherinekiki about lowens773 "I'm not gonna tell you what I prayed for cause when it comes true I'll know I prayed for it"

1. To be encourage by women with lives worth emulating to name a few or one...
heidimontag: I had so much fun at my first Playboy party last night! it was amazing that Heff came down to meet me!! Thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whooooooooo praise God!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus savior of my life!!!!!!!!!!!

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