Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cool videos

These videos by Redeemer church in New York are really interesting.

This is the link:

Enter the site, click on videos along the bottom right and check out the "trailer" and the video on "Alan Kleinberg."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Driving around town

A few ridiculous note worthy cars I have seen while driving around town lately. Seriously I thought Greenville was classier than this!

Car #1: Hercules???

Car #2: Notice the yellow magnet which says "Warning: Unsocialized homeschoolers on board" which is funny enough in and of itself but don't miss the "Dixie: Old times there are never forgotten" bumper sticker. Really homeschooling and DIXIE?!?

Car #3: Don't even know what to say about that. Let's just hope this was some sort of prank.